Payment methods

Pirin Sense Apartment Complex provides its clients and future property owners with the opportunity of a flexible payment scheme:

  • 20% of the sale price upon conclusion of a preliminary sale and purchase contract
  • 80% of the sale price within 30 working days from the date of submission of Act 16 – Operation Permit.

Preferential terms for bank financing (mortgage loan)

In case you can make an initial payment of 20% of the sale price of the property and wish to apply for bank financing, then, you should consider the main requirements for the preliminary stage of credit approval:

  • Be an adult and capable of working person up to 65 years of age
  • Have a proven solvency*
  • Have a permanent residence in the Republic of Bulgaria
  • Have no overdue state and municipal debts – to be declared in the loan request.

*solvency is determined based on:

  • Your average net wage income for the last 6 months
  • Your average monthly income after tax return and other obligations
  • Additional income from rents, pensions, etc.

The second stage for granting preferential financing includes preparation of the following documents:

  • Mortgage loan request from the bank
  • Document disclosing the monthly salary issued by the employer (to be used only by the bank)
  • Written consent from the employer regarding the transfer of the salary
  • Document for the additional incomes
  • A copy of the notarial deed for the property to serve as a collateral
  • Preliminary sale and purchase contract for the property
  • Tax assessment certificates disclosing that property tax liabilities are paid
  • Certificate of marital status
  • Certificate of the presence or absence of obligations

If you are interested or need additional information Pirin Sense Apartment Complex team will provide you with all details related to the preferential terms for bank financing.

We can also appoint a consultation with a bank experts from high ranked banks in Bulgaria for you to discuss and negotiate your preferential terms for the mortgage loan.